Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Window on South Africa

I arrived safely in South Africa besides the bizarre situation of having to change airports in NYC. Yep, I arrived at La Guardia and had two hours to get to JFK. It worked but wasn't easy and made more complicated by a couple of mistakes that were solely my fault. I would not recommend doing this. Interestingly, I sat on the plane to South Africa next to a woman from Dillon, Montana, only about 90 miles from Anaconda. Naturally, being Montanans, we knew some people in common. She had been in the Peace Corps in Swaziland and was returning to visit her Swazi friends.

On the plane from Joburg to Port Elizabeth, I struck up a conversation with the young lady next to me and discovered she was one of my students, Emily from Pennsylvania. Nuala, a lead staff person in the international office at NMMU, met us at the airport. Her great energy and warm and enthusiastic nature would become a staple of the visit.

The students were in The Bantry, dorm-like housing in a neighborhood called Humewood near the beach and not too far from the university. I was a couple blocks away in the Crow's Nest. Both were self-catering flats.

The best part about my loding was the view out of window overlooking historic Algoa Bay, renamed today, Nelson Mandela Bay.

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